Friday, March 19, 2010

Yummy-Looking Rings

Fashion-Forward Dudette's!!

Roaming around on my search to find "Futuristic Fashion" on google images I bumped into these amazing rings by SouZou Creations. And I can't be selfish and keep them all for my own enjoyment. I completely thought about what will my female readers AKA my Fashion-forward Dudette's say about these rings? Wouldn't they just adore them?! For me these sweet-tooth rings for some reason give me the Alice in Wonderland feel that I always get. Since the recent movie came out everything seems to belong in the Rabbit Hole-- It's magical... don't judge me :p If you would like to buy these yummy accessories visit this link which there is so much more! And between you and I the prices are super cheap! You'll be rocking a master piece on your fingers that look too good to eat... but be strong and enjoy!



  1. oh dear, for a moment i though they were real :o]...lovely blog. Thanx for stopping by my Menswear blog

  2. Really cool rings, but I never think I would wear one ;)

  3. Those rings are adorable!! X____x I want one!! (especially the one with the hot fudge) Very cool blog! I really like it ^^

  4. i looove the sushi one (makes me hungry). soo cute and i think it seems the most realistic to wear . if me being as clumsy as i am , wore the others with the tea cup sticking out , it would break . oh and thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a comment , really appreciate it :D

  5. Thanks so much for your comment

    and great find on these! i would like them all please! ha!

