Sunday, July 26, 2009

Nirrimi wrote back to me!!!

Okay, you guys this made my day. After I wrote the post on Nirrimi Joy Hakanson I send a email to her explaining the love that I held for her and mostly the love I held for her work. In the email I also informed her that I wrote a little something about her in my blog. AND SHE READ IT!! and this is exactly what she wrote back:

thank you, thank you, thank you. very glad you like my work. :) :)
very appreciative of all the support, it's definitely motivating. best of luck with all your own dreams! love the blog post ;)

have a nice day,

fashion photographer"

Thanks Nirrimi!!


  1. You are Dominican!! Woah woah! This is crazy for me right now! Another one of my kind! Hahahahahahahaha! Finally another blogger from the Caribbean! Awesome! I am flipping out! O.k. so link swap is basically putting the link to my blog up on your blog and I do the same to you. Basically meaning we are blogger friends and we promote each other. It's professional I guess. Go to the layout option in your dashboard and in the side column there will be an add gadget option. Click on it. Then scroll down to the option that says blog list and add it by clicking the cross button. When you click it..a pop up will appear allowing you to either add a blogs URL or add blogs that you are following. It is easier to add a blog you are already following. So click on that option and add all the blogs you want! It would be better though to make 2 lists. One list of actual blogger friends which you actually make friends with online and another which are blogs you cant make friends with but you still like to view! Some blogs are meanies and don't comment back or get back at you but whatever. I am now following you publicly by the way! I will be checking up on your blog and commenting!
    check out my trendy blog!

  2. I got you....I put up your link! Thanks for putting up mine! Well, if you want your blog to be named after your fashion magazine...then should probably change it. Wait! You are coming out with a big fashion magazine?!?! Or is something online or exclusive for people in your area?
    check out my trendy blog!

  3. Oh my goodness how lucky are you?!!! How did you even get her email, she has great work!

  4. Wow that is so exciting to have her write back! that was really cool on her part!
    Once again,I would love to express to you my love for your writing! The comment you left me almost made me cry! Thank you, thank you and yesss, you made me feel more confident for my wedding day!
